Accendo Markets is an award winning spread betting broker based in the City of London, and the City’s premier provider of financial spread betting tips and services.
On your 14-day Trading Opportunities Gold Pass, you can expect:
- Daily trading opportunities, to your inbox.
- A login to the ‘Trading Opportunities’ area of our website.
- Financial spread betting tips e-mailed to you, directly from our in-house analysts.
- Financial spread betting tips, ideas and strategies.
We do not charge for this trial. No debit/credit card details are needed. We hope that you’ll like the trial and it will encourage you to open a trading account with us.
At Accendo Markets we are here to equip you, the independent investors, with the most up-to-date information available to help you in making the best decisions on how you will invest your money in the market; information that some company’s normally reserve for full-time, big money investors.
Here at Accendo Markets, whether you fund your account with £10 or £10,000 you will be privy to the plethora of information we send out daily to our clients. These include; trading opportunities, our Morning Report, Daily Calendar, Financial Spread Betting Tips and Week Ahead publications. And what sets Accendo Markets apart from all other spread betting companies? When you’re a trading client, we offer you all this information at no extra cost. If you’re looking for a spread betting or CFD broker for online trading or telephone broking, we can help.
We hope you find the research material and financial spread betting tips profitable, and we hope this will encourage you to make Accendo Markets your online trading provider of choice.
The reason we offer our financial spread betting tips for free is because we want to help you make the most out of your money. Our in-house analyst are on hand to give you regular, up-to-date information on the market several times a day in order to best equip you with all the information you may need when you are contemplating investing.
As a spreadbetting account holder, you will continue to receive our financial spread betting tips at no extra cost. If you decide not to open an account, your trial will end and won’t cost you at all.
Accendo Markets does not provide spread betting advice. We provide execution-only services for CFD trading, Spread betting and Forex.
Spread betting is a convenient way to trade the global financial markets online, and it remains accessible to everyone. Profits from this type of trading are presently not subject to stamp duty or UK capital gains tax*. We offer a wide range of spread betting markets for you to trade such as the London Stock Exchange, New York Stock Exchange and major European equity markets. You don’t have to keep to equities; we offer prices on gold, silver, indices, soft commodities, energies and even interest rate futures.
Spread betting is a trade on whether you expect an underlying market (for example a currency, equity or commodity) will decrease or increase in price. The more the market moves in your favour, the greater your returns. If the market moves against you, you make a loss.
Profits can be made from financial spread betting tips whether the underlying market moves up or down. This is known as ‘going long’ (i.e. profiting from a rising market) and ‘going short’ (i.e. profiting from a declining market). As with all trading instruments, if you make the wrong trading call on the market direction you’ll make a loss.
For example if you place £5 a point on a stock going long (going up), you earn £5 for every point the stock has risen at the time of closing the contract. Subsequently you can lose £5 for every point the stock has dropped if you anticipated it going up (long) when it went down (short).
Spread betting is leveraged, and can result in losses. Tools such as stop-losses are available for risk management. Implement a stop-loss or limit to your trade means that should the stock drop or rise to a pre-determined level, it will automatically stop the trade to minimise loss or attempt to maximise gain.
*Under current UK tax law. Tax laws may be subject to change.
*The financial spread betting tips, trading opportunities and trade ideas produced by us are not tailored to your investment objectives or personal circumstances and don’t constitute a personal recommendation or financial spread betting advice. If you are in any doubt about investing, you should consult an independent financial adviser before making any decision.