Upcoming UK Index Dividend List
A dividend trading opportunity for you?
UK Index companies paying dividends on Thurs 14 Mar: Alliance Trust, Anglo American, Apax Global Alpha, Assura, CRH, Dunelm Group, Galliford Try, GVC, JPMorgan Emerging Markets Inv Trust, Jupiter Fund Management, Land Securities, LondonMetric Property, Millennium & Copthorne Hotels, Spirent Communications, Tritax Big Box REIT
Source: DividendData.co.uk, Company Announcements; Last Updated: 13 Mar 2019
Long/Short UK 100 CFD positions credited/debited 11.00pm Weds *
Long/Short equity CFD positions credited/debited 7.15am Thurs**
Trading GVC – An Example
Let’s say you like GVC and would like to get the 16p/2.8% dividend. You decide to buy exposure to £10,000 worth of GVC using a CFD. To do this, you need £2,000.
Shares that go ex-dividend typically fall by the amount of the dividend on the ex-dividend date. Many shares then tend to recover over a period of time, helped by dividends being reinvested, creating a dividend recovery trade opportunity.
Assuming GVC shares recover to their pre-dividend share price, your profit from the dividend would be £280, from your initial investment of £2,000.
Be aware that the share price could fall or rise, which could mean that you make an overall loss or increased profit on the position. For example, let’s assume that GVC falls 2% at the same time it pays the dividend. You overall net loss on your £10,000 position would be £200.
This is provided for information purposes only. It should not be taken as a recommendation.
* All qualifying UK 100 Index CFD positions held over 10pm on Weds 13 Mar
** All qualifying UK equity CFD positions held over 4.30pm on Weds 14 Mar