What Is A Stockbroker ?
Stockbrokers buy and sell shares for clients, usually over a stock exchange, or sometimes ‘over-the-counter’, in other words, between two parties directly rather than on the market.
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It may seem easier, especially in the age of ready-to-hand information, to forget about stockbrokers. However, the global market has become more difficult to navigate as the landscape has changed. This is why stockbrokers are still so important and in such high demand. Imagine your stockbroker as a guide who knows the territory and speaks the language; it makes sense that you are going to get far more out of your experience than you would standing there with a map and only a few phrases. Even if you are well-travelled, it is always a huge help to have an experienced mind to discuss ideas, especially if you are expanding into new terrain. So what exactly is a stockbroker, what do they do and how can they help you? More specifically, why should you use Accendo Markets, and what can their stockbrokers give you that other firms can’t?